Scimedico 4-12 Decontamination Protocol FAQ
How does the 4-12 Scimedico Decontamination Service function as an integrated solution?
The Scimedico 4-12 protocol is the deep decontamination process designed to address interval based decontamination needs. The Scimedico 2-6 protocol is offered as the regular third party decontamination service. Finally, the Scimedico PM Kit is the end user solution for daily, weekly, and monthly work space cleaning and decontamination.
Does the 4-12 protocol include floors, walls, and ceilings?
The Scimedico 4-12 protocol addresses work surfaces, equipment, and all cabinetry in daily use.The protocol does address any build up under and around equipment.
Is there a Scimedico service that includes floors, walls, and ceilings?
Yes, Scimedico can perform a total room decontamination service that will address surface decontamination of floors, walls, and ceilings.This process involves “fogging” the entire space with ionized hydrogen peroxide.This procedure should be completed after the application of the 4-12 or 2-6 process and should also be coordinated with standard facility cleaning.
What is the difference between the 4-12 and 2-6 protocol?
The Scimedico 4-12 protocol should be considered a "deep decon" and should be conducted based on customer requirements. The Scimedico 2-6 protocol provides a solution for shorter interval decontamination.
How long does it take to complete the 4-12 protocol?
The Scimedico 4-12 protocol is a rigorous process and completion time depends on the area being decontaminated.The service needs to be conducted when the space or equipment being addressed is not in use.
What do the numbers stand for in the 4-12 protocol?
The Scimedico 4-12 Decontamination Protocol utilizes a layered decontamination procedure based on a defined process.The 4-12 protocol applies four primary steps with three sub-steps under each primary step, totaling 12 steps total.The Scimedico 4-12 process makes use of specific decontamination agents and follows a defined procedure and reporting format to deliver standardized approach to staff and overall laboratory safety.
How is the detail supporting the 4-12 protocol?
The Scimedico 4-12 protocol contains four primary steps and twelve sub-steps.The overall procedure is a layered decontamination procedure applied to establish a baseline of decontamination on the designated equipment or environment.
Can our facility adopt the Scimedico 4-12 protocol as our standard decontamination procedure?
Yes, but the Scimedico 4-12 Protocol is an intensive process.The process requires significant time and material. Scimedico recommends utilizing the 4-12 Protocol on a scheduled basis between one and six times per year (based on the environment) and then supplementing the 4-12 with Scimedico 2-6 Protocol on a more frequent basis.
Can our facility contract for the 4-12 protocol only?
Yes, however, the Scimedico 4-12 protocol is an intensive decontamination process. Scimedico recommends utilizing the 2-6 Protocol on regular intervals to maintain an appropriate level of hygiene and the 4-12 protocol as an integrated service.
Can our facility purchase the Scimedico PM Kit without using Scimedico Decontamination services?
Yes, The Scimedico PM Kit is available as a stand alone product.